Tuesday, January 14, 2020

A Call Through Inquiry - 12 Jan 2020 (Sunday Observer)

A Call Through Inquiry 

Image result for phone calls recording

12 Jan 2020

The latest gossip land has been dominated by the leaked audio clips of former state Minister Ranjan Ramanayake. Somebody may say that it is illegal to record someone’s telephone conversation and somebody may say that it is not up to us to criticize this call incident.  But it renders some adverse effects grabbing the attention of whole society. The reputation of the police and judiciary was severely affected, that means it reflects the overall image of the previous government (good governance). Ramanayaka’s call incident reveals some worse dimensions of the judiciary of Sri Lanka. A tomfool has already proved that our law, the supreme domain of a country can be bend to meet someone’s suburban political objectives. Moreover, apart from the legal aspect of this call incident, it highly damages the ethical background of the parties who involved in these conversations. It is not our matter to predict one’s ethical background whether it was harmed or not. Somehow these phone conversations revealed a lot of evidence  that proving what kind of harmful activities done by these politicians . According to the Audit General Report 2018, only 20% of the infrastructure remains. That scenario serves as proof that our leaders and policy makers have been corrupted. Sri Lanka's economy is still in a second-class  low-income country in the world, but the island's upper class is still doing shameful things, leading to a more miserable path for Sri Lanka.

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